COVID-19 And Your Wedding

As the news of COVID-19 spread across the globe, so did the cancellations of engagement sessions and weddings. The wedding industry took a hit. Truthfully, it has been heartbreaking as we have helped our couples navigate through the rescheduling process. COVID-19 and your wedding do not have to equal disaster. Take out the planner and let’s get started.

Wedding Planner

What have I learned?

First off, remember you are not alone. Literally EVERY couple in the world who had been planning a wedding in March, April, and May have been tragically affected. The most important thing: to know that you are surrounded by vendors who love and care about you. We are all going above and beyond to make sure that we are keeping the stress of rescheduling as low as possible.
It’s our job to take care of our clients and to reassure them that everything will work out in the end.

And, everything will work out. You have my word. We are closed but we are still AWESOME!

Our Advice

Reach out to your venue and vendors and they will walk you through the process of moving your deposit to a new day, it is really that simple. Don’t be afraid to jump on the phone and make those calls. For us, we are making sure our brides who have been affected are getting their picks for their 2021 dates. Remember COVID-19 and your wedding does not equal a disaster if you plan accordingly. It’s important to keep things in perspective your wedding date does not define your love! Treat yourself to a spa day (once quarantine is over). Hug your partner. Enjoy this time together and know that good things are well worth the wait.

Most importantly, email us. Ask us questions, vent, talk to us. We are here for you every step of the way! Click here to Chat!

Stay up to date on what is happening with COVID-19. Click Here

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